Reclaim the Architecture
- digital information
- 5760 × 3840 px
- printable
Symmetry is a balanced and proportionate similarity found in two halves of an object, such that one half is the mirror image of the other. It originates from the Greek word “symmetria”, meaning “measured together”. Symmetry can be observed in nature, mathematics, and art, reflecting an intrinsic order and harmony. In art and photography, symmetry plays a crucial role in creating balance, harmony, and aesthetics. Photographers and artists use symmetry to evoke feelings of order and beauty. For example, the symmetrical composition of a landscape photograph can convey a sense of tranquility and perfection. In portrait photography, symmetrical features and balanced compositions highlight beauty and harmony, drawing the viewer’s eye to the subject’s innate elegance. Symmetry also appears in modern art, such as in the works of M.C. Escher, who explored the mathematical precision of symmetrical forms. The deliberate application of symmetry in art and photography showcases the timeless allure of balanced proportions, inviting viewers to contemplate the inherent harmony found in the world around them.