Rennaissance Innovation
- wood
- glass
- aluminium
- iron
- paint
- 2.06 × 3.48 m
- now available
The Renaissance revolutionized the frame. Art left the church walls, moving into private homes, courts, and public spaces. Frames became detachable, allowing paintings to travel and stand as objects of status. Craftsmanship flourished as artisans and sculptors created frames as luxurious as the art they encased. Italian guilds crafted ornate, gilded designs adorned with classical motifs—acanthus leaves, laurel wreaths, and cherubs. Beyond decoration, frames served practical needs, protecting delicate works from environmental wear. Patrons dictated frame styles to complement their interiors, linking art to the broader culture of humanism and individuality. By the 16th century, the frame itself became an art form, its design reflecting the era’s devotion to beauty, perspective, and symmetry.